Carter Group Insider Alerts
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Our Insider Alerts provide our Charlotte & Cabarrus clients the residential real estate knowledge from 5 star realtors and neighborhood experts. This tool is the source for your local home buying and home selling needs.
Our online client system, Insider Alert, provides a complete report on any properties right down to the zip code, address or community. You can be in the know of properties in your neighborhood or in future neighborhoods. Our report is powered by actual MLS data which is the cleanest, most accurate data available.
Simply email us the address or neighborhood you wish to watch and receive reports in your email as often as you like. Email us and get started today.
"By giving our clients access to our mobile app, email alerts and mobile responsive website we assure our clients never have to choose another source which displays inaccurate data. Our technology is pulled from the mls which assures the most real estate data accuracy in a system built for ease in curating the modern online real estate world." Chris Carter, Broker in Charge
In conjunction with these tools and your Carter Group Realtor, you'll have everything you need to make the best and most informed real estate decisions.
Download the app to harness the full power of mobile home searches
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